*In each nomination, applications will be divided into two groups — projects caused by a full-scale invasion and projects outside the context of war.

Digital Workspace

Nomination in which projects related to digitalization and automation of employee experience are considered.

Projects that may participate:

  • programma di lavoro remota
  • chats, helpboards and internal Wikipedias
  • digitalización de espacio de oficina

It's important!

  • External service providers can submit their projects only in agreement with customers
  • The results of the projects must be presented in the last 1-1.5 years
  • Tutti i progeti dei nomi sono pubblicato e pubblicato in il dominio pubblico

Criteria for evaluation of nominees (for selection of finalists and winners)

  1. The project increases the level of HR practices in the country
    How much can other professionals and businesses compare to this project? Do the quality and results of the implementation of the project set a new, higher standard for HR solutions?
  2. Balance of value and value
    How much does the value and results of the project correspond to the investment in it? Was it worth solving the problem of such investments?
  3. Qualità di rethinking e adaptati
    How customized is the project or product? How successfully or uniquely adapted its executors to the specifics of the company/task?
  4. Power and immediacy of influence
    Is the project a direct mechanism for solving this problem? How clear is the mechanism of its impact on the problem?
  5. Prolongation of action
    Is the project and its effect sustainable? Can it scale or give that effect repeated/regularly?

Wellbeing and Health

Nomination in which programs of care for the health and quality of life of employees are considered.

Projects that may participate:

  • Relocation-related projects
  • projects to take care of the physical and mental health of employees
  • occupational health and safety projects
  • programs to improve the quality of life of employees
  • Family Initiatives

Criteria for evaluation of nominees (for selection of finalists and winners)

  1. The project increases the level of HR practices in the country
    How much can other professionals and businesses compare to this project? Do the quality and results of the implementation of the project set a new, higher standard for HR solutions?
  2. Balance of value and value
    How much does the value and results of the project correspond to the investment in it? Was it worth solving the problem of such investments?
  3. Quality of rethinking and adaptation
    How customized is the project or product? How successfully or uniquely adapted its executors to the specifics of the company/task?
  4. Power and immediacy of influence
    Is the project a direct mechanism for solving this problem? How clear is the mechanism of its impact on the problem?
  5. Prolongation of action
    Is the project and its effect sustainable? Can it scale or give that effect repeated/regularly?

HR Analytics

A nomination that considers building a sustainable business system through qualitative consolidation and analysis of people data.

Projects that may participate:

  • Successful application of people data consolidation and analytics to make strategic business decisions

Criteria for evaluation of nominees (for selection of finalists and winners)

  1. The project increases the level of HR practices in the country
    How much can other professionals and businesses compare to this project? Do the quality and results of the implementation of the project set a new, higher standard for HR solutions?
  2. Balance of value and value
    How much does the value and results of the project correspond to the investment in it? Was it worth solving the problem of such investments?
  3. Power and immediacy of influence
    Is the project a direct mechanism for solving this problem? How clear is the mechanism of its impact on the problem?
  4. Quality of rethinking and adaptation
    How customized is the project or product? How successfully or uniquely adapted its executors to the specifics of the company/task?
  5. Prolongation of action
    Is the project and its effect sustainable? Can it scale or give that effect repeated/regularly?

HR in Business Transformation

This nomination opens up the opportunity to recognize and award projects related to key aspects of strategic business transformation. It covers a wide range of initiatives aimed at restructuring, scaling, merging businesses and lines of activity.

Projects corresponding to this nomination include:

  • Projects aimed at developing and implementing new operating models that optimize business processes and increase management efficiency.
  • Initiatives aimed at creating innovative approaches to staff training, improved communication and organizational design that contribute to successful transformation.
  • Projects that show the importance and success of cooperation between the HR department and other departments.
  • Projects demonstrating the role of HR in managing change

Criteria for evaluation of nominees (for selection of finalists and winners)

  1. Balance of value and value
  2. Power and immediacy of influence
  3. Availability of a completed project with a measurable result (qualitative and quantitative indicators)
  4. Positive dynamics of business indicators
  5. Implementation of the human-centered approach in transformational processes

Talent Attraction

This nomination recognizes the best practices and strategies for attracting talent that make an employer's brand strong and attractive.

It is designed to celebrate organizations that demonstrate innovative approaches to finding, attracting and engaging highly qualified candidates. Programs and practices aimed at strengthening and promoting the employer's brand to attract and retain highly qualified professionals in the company will also be considered.

Projects and practices that may participate in this nomination:

  • Initiatives, projects and innovations aimed at expanding the pool of candidates, increasing their quantity and quality, effective evaluation and hiring.
  • Initiatives that use modern technology to improve the talent acquisition process, including the use of recruitment and candidate analysis platforms.
  • Projects aimed at creating a favorable and attractive working atmosphere to attract and retain talented professionals.
  • Employer brand development strategies: initiatives aimed at increasing the recognition and attractiveness of the company for potential employees.
  • Campaigns to communicate a value proposition to targeted talents inside or outside the organization.
  • Establishing a network of connections: initiatives aimed at developing cooperation and links with key professionals and experts in the relevant field.

Criteria for evaluation of nominees (for selection of finalists and winners)

  1. Availability of a completed project with a measurable result (qualitative and quantitative indicators)
  2. Balance of value and value
  3. Increasing the level of recruiting or branding practices in the country
  4. Prolongation of action (for example, if the project is about hiring, then indicators of retention and efficiency of this pool)
  5. Power and immediacy of influence on business

Training and Development

Nomination in which programs aimed at aligning the knowledge and skills of employees with the needs of the organization are considered.

Projects that may participate:

  • own training centers, corporate academies and universities
  • innovative training and development strategies aimed at the strategic needs of organizations
  • programs for the development of specific skills and knowledge for the needs of business
  • programs for the development of future talents in order to ensure the personnel reserve
  • programs for the development of managerial personnel reserve in the organization
  • programs of mentoring, coaching and retention of expertise within the organization
  • social education programs

Criteria for evaluation of nominees (for selection of finalists and winners)

  1. The project increases the level of HR practices in the country
    How much can other professionals and businesses compare to this project? Do the quality and results of the implementation of the project set a new, higher standard for HR solutions?
  2. Balance of value and value
    How much does the value and results of the project correspond to the investment in it? Was it worth solving the problem of such investments?
  3. Power and immediacy of influence
    Is the project a direct mechanism for solving this problem? How clear is the mechanism of its impact on the problem?
  4. Quality of rethinking and adaptation
    How customized is the project or product? How successfully or uniquely adapted its executors to the specifics of the company/task?
  5. Prolongation of action
    Is the project and its effect sustainable? Can it scale or give that effect repeated/regularly?

Diversity and Inclusion

Nomination in ce programma per la formazione di una cultura di inclusione e diversità in società sono considerati.

Projects that may participate:

  • implementación de strategias de diversità e practicos inclusibilidad que poder diversità e inclusibilidad
  • Effective solutions that allow different people to work in the same team

Criteria for evaluation of nominees (for selection of finalists and winners)

  1. The project increases the level of HR practices in the country
    How much can other professionals and businesses compare to this project? Do the quality and results of the implementation of the project set a new, higher standard for HR solutions?
  2. Balance of value and value
    How much does the value and results of the project correspond to the investment in it? Was it worth solving the problem of such investments?
  3. Power and immediacy of influence
    Is the project a direct mechanism for solving this problem? How clear is the mechanism of its impact on the problem?
  4. Qualità di rethinking e adaptati
    How customized is the project or product? How successfully or uniquely adapted its executors to the specifics of the company/task?
  5. Prolongation of action
    Is the project and its effect sustainable? Can it scale or give that effect repeated/regularly?

Reintegration of veterans and veterans

In this nomination, the programs of reintegration of veterans and veterans will be considered and taken into account.

Projects corresponding to this nomination include:

  • Adaptation programs for veterans and veterans after demobilization.
  • Promotion of employment of veterans and veterans.
  • Retraining and training.
  • Material and intangible support programs.
  • Creating a barrier-free and friendly environment for veterans and veterans.

Criteria for evaluation of nominees (for selection of finalists and winners)

  1. Covering the diverse needs of veterans and veterans
  2. General foundation of impartiality and barrierlessness
  3. Balance the value and effectiveness of the program for veterans
  4. Systematics and complexity of the approach
  5. Flexibility and adaptability

Rewards and Recognition

Nomination in which programs of material and intangible motivation of employees are considered, aimed at attracting and retaining targeted talents in the organization.

Projects that may participate:

  • reward programs that incentivized and increased employee productivity, increasing business performance
  • introduction of new approaches to material and intangible motivation, new strategies for recognition of employees and teams
  • recognition programs that affect employee loyalty and retention

Criteria for evaluation of nominees (for selection of finalists and winners)

  1. The project increases the level of HR practices in the country
    How much can other professionals and businesses compare to this project? Do the quality and results of the implementation of the project set a new, higher standard for HR solutions?
  2. Balance of value and value
    How much does the value and results of the project correspond to the investment in it? Was it worth solving the problem of such investments?
  3. Quality of rethinking and adaptation
    How customized is the project or product? How successfully or uniquely adapted its executors to the specifics of the company/task?
  4. Power and immediacy of influence
    Is the project a direct mechanism for solving this problem? How clear is the mechanism of its impact on the problem?
  5. Prolongation of action
    Is the project and its effect sustainable? Can it scale or give that effect repeated/regularly?

Sustainability and Charity

Nomination, which considers socially oriented programs of support and assistance to the civilian population and defenders of Ukraine in the format of charity or volunteering.

Projects that may participate:

  • Property or non-property assistance in order to cover needs for further steps to Victory or to solve social problems
  • Collective (involving employees) or personal volunteering aimed at social or military support
  • Beneficial activities in the field of education and science, health care, ecology and environmental protection, culture and art, social security, protection of Ukraine.
  • Programs for the development and adaptation of veterans and veterans.

Criteria for evaluation of nominees (for selection of finalists and winners)

  1. Power and immediacy of influence
    Is the project a direct mechanism for solving this problem? How clear is the mechanism of its impact on the problem?
  2. Prolongation of action
    Is the project and its effect sustainable? Can it scale or give such an effect
  3. Percentage of staff involvement in the project
  4. Duration of involvement of the team in the project
  5. The company provides sustainability for its employees


HR influencer

Nomination for professionals who contribute to the enhancement of the value of the profession and its development in the business environment.

We are waiting for mentors and speakers, teachers of educational HR programs, bloggers, authors of articles, creators of community and projects developing the profession.

Requirements for nominees/s:

  • ethics of behavior in social networks
  • Content authorship in social networks
  • activity in social networks
  • relevance of HR topics that are raised in social networks
  • Number of followers (from 3 000)
  • performance of tasks that are prescribed in the evaluation criteria

Criteria for evaluation of nominees (for selection of finalists and winners)

  1. The value of the activity
    The activity of the influencer has a positive effect on the development of the profession, focuses on critical topics, focuses on creating and increasing the value of HR practices and solutions.
  2. Author Content
    The influencer publishes and/or distributes meaningful, ethical and professional author content.
  3. Role model
    The influencer has proof of his/her own expertise and profession and conducts ethical professional activities.
  4. Coverage and Networking
    The influencer (s) manage to engage in discussions and/or projects broad and diverse in terms of the characteristics of the audience (geography, professional affiliation, business domains, generation, education, etc.).
  5. The breadth of worldview
    The influencer supports diversity of opinion, promotes tolerance and acceptance of diversity within professional ethics, promotes the expansion of the HR worldview and critical thinking of the follower (s).
  6. Assignments
    The influencer should perform the following steps:
  • Conduct an interesting research/survey and draw a conclusion on your own page in social networks with the tag #hrproawards
  • Write a thematic article on the topic “What should be in the focus of HR-a now?”. The material will be published on Budni Media Platform, send to the mail: event@hrpro.com.ua
  • Record a video answering “5 questions to the HR-influencer”. Questions are sent by the organizers to the mail after the completed application in the office. Will be posted on YouTube Channel Awardsand Facebook.
  • Make three posts on their own social networks about HR Pro Awards — inviting companies to participate in different Award nominations. The accompanying visuals are sent by the organizer, after prior discussion with the nominee.

The winner of the HR Influencer nomination will be determined by the highest number of points through two stages:

Stage 1- jury evaluation and determination of the top 3
Stage 2- online audience voting for the finalists (s) in the live broadcast of the “Awards Ceremony”. Sponsor of this nomination is the co-organizer of the Award — robota.ua. Therefore, you can be nominated for free!

HR of the Year

Nomination for highly qualified practitioners and HR professionals.

We are waiting for function managers and HR directors who:

  • have successful digitized HR results that can be a model for other companies
  • have results that raise the bar of the standards of the profession
  • Translate ethical standards in their professional practice

Requirements for nominees/s:

  • duration of stay in the position (at least 3 years)
  • duration of work in the current company (at least 1 year)
  • number of subordinates in the team (at least 3 people)
  • availability of digitized results from implemented initiatives
  • lifelong learning (continuous improvement of professional and business qualifications)

Criteria for evaluation of nominees (for selection of finalists and winners)

  1. The activity of the specialist raises the standards of the profession in the country
    How much can other professionals and businesses compare to him/her? Do quality and performance set a higher standard for HR solutions?
  2. Lifelong Learning
    The nominee is an example of continuous improvement of their own expertise, skills, professional and personal growth.
  3. Ethics and Values
    The nominee is a model of ethical behavior, value-oriented practice, strong civic position and active support for Ukraine.
  4. Inspiration
    The results, views and visions of the specialist/position inspire other people to develop themselves and increase the value of HR practices.
  5. Executive Presence
    Nominee (s) is an executive leader who makes decisions of general organizational importance, including outside HR.

The newest star

Nomination for specialists who will shine with new bright names in the HR industry.

We are waiting for representatives of the profession who:

  • have successful digitized HR results that can serve as a model for other professionals
  • have experience in innovating or taking a fresh look at HR tools
  • Translate ethical standards in their professional practice

Requirements for nominees/s:

  • middle or senior specialists
  • duration of work in the specialty (at least 2 years)
  • duration of work in the company (at least 1 year)
  • Having an essay in English will be an advantage

Criteria for evaluation of nominees (for selection of finalists and winners)

  1. The activity of the specialist meets the standards of the profession
    Initiates, creates, promotes projects that meet the high standards of the profession and are adapted to the needs of business.
  2. Lifelong Learning
    May be an example of a successful career start due to the confirmed acquired professional knowledge and skills, and continues to acquire new ones.
  3. Ethics and Values
    It operates within the framework of the norms of ethical behavior, value-oriented practices, has a strong civic position and actively supports Ukraine.
  4. Contribution to the profession
    Disseminates current news, tools, opinions in the field of HR, attends relevant events.
  5. Potentiality
    Has a well-founded personal vision of the development of the profession and himself in the profession.

CEO of the Year

Nomination for people-oriented manager/s.

We look forward to CEOs who translate ethical norms in their professional practice, implementing projects aimed at increasing efficiency and team development.

Requirements for nominees/s:

  • term of work in one company as CEO (at least 2 years)
  • no negative reviews on the web
  • real examples of the deep focus of the CEO on the development and retention of personnel
  • availability of indicators on increasing compensation, involvement, reduction of staff turnover
  • availability of articles, publications and speeches on a topic related to personnel
  • availability of examples of availability of CEO for different levels of employees/-s
  • sponsorship of projects related to the development of the personnel reserve

Criteria for evaluation of nominees (for selection of finalists and winners)

  1. The Man in the Center
    The nominee has solid examples of decisions and practices focused on improving the quality of employee experience, the quality of life of people in the organization.
  2. Lifelong Learning
    Nominees are an example of continuous improvement of their own expertise, skills, professional and personal growth.
  3. Ethics and Values
    Nominees are examples of ethical behavior, value-oriented practices, strong civic position and active support of Ukraine.
  4. Enlightenment
    Nominees publicly promote people-oriented management, share their own practices and raise acute or topical issues of human capital management.
  5. Intentions = Reality
    Company indicators and employee feedback (including online) confirm the applied nature and reality of the CEO's focus on people, describe the results of his/her (CEO) support.